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Thank you for your contribution!

Thank you for your donations to Anna Ministries International.


When you give to Anna Ministries International, your seed is used to help us carry the love of God to all corners of the world through the medium of the internet.


For those in need of God and the uncompromised word of God.


We believe we are 100-fold ground.


Anna Ministries International depends on your loving support to help show His love and ministry the true word of God. We pray for all our supporters and friends daily and believe God to meet your needs as you sow into 100-fold ground.


We would love you to be a part of us reaching the world as we know The Lord has His hand on this ministry and people are responding to the teachings with growth beyond what anyone could ever have imagined.


We give The Lord all honour and glory for what He is doing.


Please login below to make a donation. From there you can select your payment method and choose between a one-off gift or a monthly partnership payment.


We pray His richest blessings over you and your family in Jesus’ name and know you are the apple of His eye.

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